



pour être bien dans sa peauTo feel good in your own skin…

Welcome to the Centre EsthétiqueSanté
Our beauty salon is specialised in anti-cellulite, anti-ageing and facial treatments. We offer Estime&Sens natural organic products as well as Karin Herzog and Dermalogica. We offer classic hair removal for women and men, and relaxing, therapeutic and anti-cellulite massages. We are expert in LPG Cellu M6 and offer anticellulite cures.
In order to allow you to get to know our treatments, we offer free consultations to determine together the best treatment for you. Our beauticians will be happy to give you information by phone 021 922 50 80.
Our centre also includes a lymphatic drainage and nutritherapy practice recognised by most complementary health insurance companies (ASCA/RME) including VISANA. Cristina Husi, a qualified nurse and nutritherapist, welcomes you for nutritherapy sessions. Valerie welcmes you for the therapeutic massages recognised RME.

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Découvrez nos offres actuelles en cliquant ici

Bienvenue au Centre EsthétiqueSanté Vevey!

Nous avons ouvert nos portes en décembre 2000 au centre de Vevey, à la rue de la Madeleine 26. Notre institut de beauté est spécialisé dans les soins du visage personnalisés, les soins anti-âge stimulant la production de collagène et d'élastine, les soins anti-cellulite et les massages. Nous proposons les produits Bio naturels Estime&Sens pour les soins du visage et nettoyages de peau ainsi que la marque suisse à l'oxygène Karin Herzog. Nous pratiquons l'épilation classique pour les femmes et pour les hommes, les massages relaxants, classiques et anti-cellulite.

Notre centre est aussi un cabinet de drainage lymphatique et nutrithérapie reconnu par la plupart des caisses maladies complémentaires (ASCA/RME). Cristina Husi, infirmière et nutrithérapeute diplômée, directrice du Centre, vous reçoit pour des séances de drainage et de nutrithérapie. Valérie vous reçoit pour des séances de massage thérapeutique, massage du tissu conjonctif, réflexologie avec reconnaissance RME.

Pour déterminer ensemble le meilleur soin pour vous, nous vous proposons des consultations gratuites et sans engagement.
Nos esthéticiennes se feront un plaisir de vous renseigner par téléphone au 021 922 50 80. Notre institut se trouve à la Rue de la Madeleine 26 à Vevey, entre la gare et la Place du Marché.

Prenez désormais rendez-vous en ligne en cliquant ici! Si vous ne trouvez pas de place, contactez-nous directement.

  Prendre rendez-vous en ligne  

Monday9 h à 19 h 00
Tuesday9 h à 19 h 30
Wednesday9 h à 19 h 00
Thursday9 h à 19 h 00
Friday9 h à 19 h 00
Saturday9 h à 17 h 00

Please call 021 922 50 80 to arrange an appointment

The Centre EsthétiqueSanté is your little haven of peace in the center of Vevey! We are Cristina, Emmanuelle and Valérie, we welcome you with great kindness and gentleness. Our center is warm, we are all natural and in a good mood! We like simple, honest exchanges, humor and kindness. Here, you are welcomed as you are, without judgment, in our little corner of well-being where we love to take care of you.

A small team of passionate people who care for you!

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Cristina Husi
nurse, nutritherapist
lymphatic drainage therapist 


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Since 2013 at Centre EsthétiqueSanté


Valerie thérapeute drainage massageValérie

Lymphatic drainage therapist
massage therapy and foot reflexology
Recognized by RME


Very satisfied with the treatments received in this Institute! The team is very professional! For the waxing, Emmanuelle is very good! For the moment, I'm delighted and I won't change my regular treatment location. A big thank you to the whole team!
N. D.

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I've been coming to the Centre Esthétique Santé for almost three years now and the welcome and service are top notch! Jade will make you feel at ease straight away, with gentle hair removal sessions in a good mood. She is very meticulous and always takes care of you. If you are looking for an institute centre for your beauty treatments, I highly recommend this centre.


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I asked Ms. Husi for advice on nutritherapy. As I was finding it increasingly difficult to digest certain foods, Mrs Husi helped me to adapt my diet and to do a 3-week test. Although it was difficult at the beginning (I had to adopt new food "reflexes"), her advice was precious. I feel better in my body today and my stomach aches have largely diminished. I thank her warmly for her kindness and professionalism.  

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I found the Center of Esthetique of Vevey in November 2018 and now it is 2 years that I am with it. Now it is a part of the beauty and health routine, which I would like to keep permanently.
At the beginning I was very happy to discover this center at Vevey because here there is an LPG with Cellu-M6, which is much better than other devices (I tried a lot of other devices before and they were not as efficient). When I came, I saw that the professionals working here really target to fix the problem and treat it in a best way. I started with Cellu-M6, but also discovered for myself a very efficient procedure - ultrasound, which really improved the look of my skin. The combination of Cellu-M6 and ultrasound gave a fantastic result, which I could not achieve before during 10 years (and I tried thermage, cryolipolyse, creams, gym, diet....all what was available - it was not helping to get rid of the cellulite in specific places). I see the results now and of course I want to keep it!
Last year I also discovered a good procedure for the face - meta-therapie, which helped me to restore the skin color after the laser treatments. This procedure is really good to make skin get a healthy look and removes small imperfections.
What I really like in the center is that the professional looks regularly at how the treatment works and recommends what has to be done in combination with the current treatment. I recommend this place to my colleagues and friends because I can share my experience and of course I can talk about the real results.
I think it is important to take care of the health and body, which are anyway connected. It brings confidence, at least I can say about us - women.»

Read all the testimonies...

Massages Vevey

Découvrez tous les massages disponibles dans notre institut situé à Vevey.

Massage anti-cellulite 45 minutes / 1h00
45 min 110.- / 1h00 130.-
Abonnements disponibles à tarif réduit
Des manœuvres défibrosantes et intenses pour des jambes plus lisses et plus légères.

Massage relaxant 45 minutes / 1h00 / 1h15
Des manœuvres délicates, plus ou moins profondes selon votre besoin, pour un moment de relaxation accompagné d'une huile de massage de votre choix.

Massage* étoile* 45 minutes 100.-
Visage, tête, crâne, mains, pieds : les clés de la détente, un massage très relaxant qui est très apprécié!

Massage aux pierres chaudes 1h00 / 1h15
Un moment intense de relaxation. Profitez d'un massage alternant des manœuvres modérées et la pose de pierres chaudes, accompagné d'une huile chaude de votre choix.

Massage 45 min = 100.-
Massage 1h00 = 120.-
Massage 1h15 = 140.-

Retrouvez tous nos massages ici 


2023 10 Photos institut soins visage 90 min